
Please help your first grader remember to bring his/her library book back to school. Our check out day is Monday.

Book Orders are due on Tuesday. You can order online at Scholastic Reading Club. Our class code is M7JM3.

On Wednesday, we welcome players and coaches from the GVSU Women’s Basketball team! Phil Sayers is bringing the Lakers to help us learn some new math games. Thanks, Phil!


*Please encourage your first grader to take ownership of remembering these important items.

Library Books: Our library day is Monday. By returning books on time, your first grader can enjoy the hundreds of great titles in our school library.

Take Home Books: This five minute practice is essential to growing strong readers. Please make sure that your child reads and returns these books every day.

Sight Word Cards: Building an automatic sight word vocabulary will make a huge difference for your emerging reader. Practice these words as much as possible.

Math Homework: These homework pages practice math skills learned at school. As your first grader’s Math Buddy, please check his/her work and give assistance as needed.