Learning Update

Math: During our math time this past week, we looked for patterns in our number grid and found 10 more and 10 less than a number. We also used ten sticks to add and subtract tens.

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We used what we know about partners of 10 to solve equations that totaled 100. This strategy came in handy for solving two-digit equations as well.Screen Shot 2014-03-16 at 10.08.47 PM

We also used the relationship between addition and subtraction to solve equations. This strategy helped us to quickly find the missing partners in addition equations once we solved the subtraction equations.

Writing: This week we got ready to celebrate our How-To writing by choosing our favorite piece. Our topics included “How To Make a S’more,” “How To Make a Salami Sandwich,” “How To Snowboard” and many more. We spent the week editing and making sure that our special writing pieces were easy to read. For our celebration, we acted out our partners’ How To’s, shared speeches honoring our hard work, and had a Jolly Rancher Toast! 

Reading: We concluded our study of nonfiction this week by comparing and contrasting more informational books, using what we’ve learned about text features to understand our topics. The nonfiction section of our classroom library has become a favorite area for many of us. Some students who were just fiction readers before have even changed their thinking and are reading more nonfiction. If you are looking for some nonfiction books to read with your first grader, check out National Geographic For Kids (Level 1 and 2). These are great books with fun photographs that might even teach adults a new fact or two!