
whobal-20Students are making some great gains in their reading and it is time for me to reassess. This week, I will not meet with students in their groups. Instead, I will see each child individually to check their reading growth. I will assess their decoding (reading words accurately), their use of varied strategies when they encounter unknown words, and their comprehension as they retell story details. This assessment information will help to guide my reading instruction. I look forward to this one-on-one time with my students! You are welcome to email me if you would like more information on your child’s progress.

In the meantime, please continue to encourage your child’s reading at home. Library books, WEB books, and Raz-Kids are all great options for daily reading practice. Thank you so much for your valuable help at home. You are an important part of your child’s continued success.

Student Progress

Hello parents! Next week, I will be assessing all of my students’ reading progress. I will meet with children one at a time, so we will not be meeting for reading groups. Students will have an opportunity to demonstrate how they apply strategies when they are stuck on tricky words (decoding), how they read smoothly (fluency), and how they retell the story after they are done reading (comprehension). This time is so valuable because helps me determine what specific instruction they need next to become better readers. During this one-on-one time, I will also show students their recent progress. I feel that it is important to include readers in understanding their own reading growth, as well as discussing their reading strengths and their areas for improvement. When students have a targeted learning goal, they can be more purposeful while reading. I won’t be sending home progress notes at this time. However, if you would like to know more about your child’s reading progress since our conference time in November, you are welcome to email me.

Please continue reading with your child every night at home. Along with reading his/her WEB book, your child can reread the books that have come home from my reading group or he/she can read the leveled books available on Raz-Kids. Spending just 15 minutes a night on reading will have huge benefits for your child!

Happy reading!