Scavenger Hunt

There are dancing candy corn images hiding on our school blogs.
Your job is to find at least five of them by October 29.

Visit a class blog.
Type the words candy corn into the search bar.
When you find the candy corn, write down the blog’s teacher name.
Keep searching until you find five blogs with candy corn images.

The winners will be determined as follows:

* ONE Student winner = lunch with Mrs. Reagan and Barnes & Noble gift card.
* ONE Winning class will receive an extra recess with Mrs. Reagan
* Five winners will receive a bag of candy corn each.

Mrs. Bast, the Reading Teacher, likes to…

READ! Reading really is my favorite thing to do. I am so lucky to have a job as a reading teacher where I can surround myself with readers all day! I like to read all kinds of things… I read newspapers, recipe books, picture books, mysteries, fantasy, and long, long, books. This summer I read some great kids’ books that my son, Will, recommended. He is going into 6th grade and loves reading about as much as I do. The Lightning Thief series by Rick Riordan was fantastic, sort of like Harry Potter and ancient mythology combined. Another great pick from Will was Eliza Bright and the Buckminster Boy by Gary Schmidt, one of my favorite authors. In the summer, I love to read outside on my patio. When it’s cold, I like to wrap myself up in my warmest blanket and read on the couch. Happy October Scavenger Hunt!


Mrs. Bast goes to Canada. Eh?

In July, I went to Canada with my family. My parents live there on a beautiful lake. While we were there, we boated, fished, swam, and ate lots of ice cream. My highlight this summer was learning how to kayak in our new boat. We relaxed and had fun with extended family and the cousins played endless games of kick-the-can. It was a wonderful summer trip to remember and we look forward to going again next year!

Happy hunting!
