Science Update

On Monday, we had a fun day of science experiments and hit up some of our science concepts in full force. We learned that objects can be sorted into different groups based on their properties or attributes. An attribute could be size, shape, color, texture or thickness of an object. Some objects share the same attributes and others are very different.

After learning that all things can be sorted based on their attributes, we continued to study three additional scientific properties: states of matter, magnetic/non-magnetic, and sink/float.

We learned that the different states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas) have different attributes. We changed matter from one state to another (solid ice cube to water and water to the gas water vapor). We also studied how objects sink or float, making predictions and testing our thinking with experiments.

In our study of magnets, we learned that objects made of certain metal (iron, steel, nickel or cobalt) are magnetic. We investigated different items in the classroom for magnetic properties and learned that magnets have two poles which can attract or repel.

It was an exciting day!

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