Learning Update

This is what we worked on in our classroom this week…


We spent this week revising and editing our small moment stories in Writer’s Workshop this week. Each student had the chance to choose a favorite piece they had been working on, and then they met with their writing partner to make it even better. We added color to our pictures and at the end of the week, we celebrated our stories! We shared a favorite page with the class and also read our whole story to two friends. After reading, we shared speeches about what we’ve learned as writers and had our Hawaiian Punch toast! We had a great time wrapping up our second unit of writing.


This past week in reading, we spent time focusing on the characters from our books. The kids did a great job noticing who their characters were and even finding who the main character was in their story. As we read about more and more characters, we tracked what we noticed as we read. We shared connections to things our characters were doing or parts of a story where a character did something funny that we wanted to share with our partner.


We continued to study and solve stories with missing partners this week during our math switch. We also introduced our yellow quilt cards which have trained the kids to find a missing partner by clapping and counting UP with their fingers until they get to the total. We emphasized that a subtraction equation always begins with the total. We have to make sure to put the GREATEST number first in our equation and at the top of our math mountain, so our answer makes sense.

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