Writing Update

You may have noticed today that your first grader’s blue folder was bursting with small moment stories. We have finished our first unit in writing and we spent the week celebrating our writing. Part of the celebration is bringing home all of their stories so they can share them with you! They have worked so hard on these stories! Ask your first grader to share these stories with you. I hope you enjoy them!

This past week we spent most of our writing time preparing a special story to share at our writing celebration. First, we picked out two stories to revise on our own. Next, we revised our stories with the help of our partners to make sure our stories made sense. When we were revising by ourselves and with our partners, we followed this checklist…

Inline image 1

Then, we edited our stories. We checked for capitals, punctuation and spaces between words so that our writing was easy to read. We followed this editing checklist…

Inline image 2

After that, we used colored pencils to add color to our stories. We finished our week with a special celebration together.

During our celebration time, we had a chance to share a favorite part of our story with the whole class. Next, we read our entire story to a small group. Once we were finished sharing, we came back together and had juice for our juice toast. I am so proud of how much these first graders have grown in their writing since the beginning of the year.

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